Graphic vector are powerful means to design funicular structures, like arches and suspension roofs; providing both form and forces under uniform and random loads.
1 Arch structure
2 Parabolic arch by graphic method
Draw AB and AC (tangents of arch at supports)
Divide tangents AB and AC into equal segments
Lines connecting AB to AC define parabolic arch envelope
3 Arch profile
Define desired arch rise D (usually D = L/5)
Define point A at 2D above supports
AB and AC are tangents of parabolic arch at supports
Compute vertical reactions R = w L /2
4 Equilibrium vector polygon at supports (force scale: 1” = 50 k) Process:
Draw vertical vector (reaction R)
Complete vector polygon (diagonal vector parallel to tangent)
Measure vectors (H = horizontal reaction, F = max. arch force)
The arch force varies from minimum at crown (equal to horizontal reaction), gradually increasing with arch slope, to maximum at the supports.
1 Arch structure
2 Parabolic arch by graphic method
Draw AB and AC (tangents of arch at supports)
Divide tangents AB and AC into equal segments
Lines connecting AB to AC define parabolic arch envelope
3 Arch profile
Define desired arch rise D (usually D = L/5)
Define point A at 2D above supports
AB and AC are tangents of parabolic arch at supports
Compute vertical reactions R = w L /2
4 Equilibrium vector polygon at supports (force scale: 1” = 50 k) Process:
Draw vertical vector (reaction R)
Complete vector polygon (diagonal vector parallel to tangent)
Measure vectors (H = horizontal reaction, F = max. arch force)
The arch force varies from minimum at crown (equal to horizontal reaction), gradually increasing with arch slope, to maximum at the supports.